Customer Engagement Campaigns

In a market saturated with stimuli for the eyes, sound is a great way to cut through the visual clutter. We create music-based customer engagement campaigns that take advantage of the universal appeal and intrinsic value of music to connect with your audiences on a more personal level

More meaningful than branded merchandise

Branded keepsakes might help prospects and customers remember you, but only if the giveaways stick around long enough. More often, key fobs, cellphone stands, squeeze toys, and other branded items find there way into the trash soon after they are given away. And even if they do last, they aren’t likely to inspire meaningful dialogue or engender a personal connection with your brand.

But that’s not the case with music. Virtually everyone values music, and we all appreciate being turned on to something new and good. Music also has emotional currency, revealing and conveying a bit of the giver’s humanity. All of this makes music an excellent customer engagement tool. When a company reaches out to customers with music that reflects its personality and brand ideals, the company is, in effect, putting its heart on its sleeve, expressing its human side in a way that people can relate to.

The relative novelty of a music giveaway (who expects cool, free music downloads from their healthcare provider?) also attracts attention and raises the question, “Why would Company X do this?”, prompting a conversation about what the company’s brand stands for and creating an opportunity for the company to extol the emotional rewards of its products and services.

Many forms

Brand Timbre’s music-based engagement programs take many forms, depending on how and where you want to reach your audience. We design and fabricate custom listening stations and produce branded CDs for events and tradeshow settings. We develop branded, streaming microsites and music-reward programs that incentivize prospects or customers with free music downloads. Brand Timbre handles every aspect of these engagement campaigns, from design and coding to fabrication, production, promotional collateral, and music licensing.


Learn how Umpqua Bank used its music-reward program to attract new customers.